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Guess what! I missed the one year anniversary of this blog!

It was November 4th, with a post titled: Kundalini Yoga is a Game Changer.

It’s really cool. I never thought I would continue the blog past my yoga teacher training but the response I’ve received since I began this blog excites me. It shows me there is a need for this kind of information, and for this kind of personal sharing of what happens with Kundalini yoga.

We are all in this together. Yet when the Teacher is in the Teacher mode, that’s what they are (and that’s an amazing embodiment!). When we come together for classes many rush back into their lives wondering. Curious. Do other people experience these things too? Is it like this for everybody?

Personal experience of the kriyas, beyond what Yogi B has taught us, beyond what the books say, beyond what the wisdom is from what we’ve studied is what bonds us. My personal experience that matches yours or is similar to yours is a connection we have, something we can both relate to, something we can converse about.

And we, the practitioners, know: the intensity of this practice. The nuances, the highs and the lows of this practice. We know the different communities surrounding this practice. We know the light and we can see our darkness. Radiance.

I wasn’t expecting when I began this practice to find myself in such a strong spiritual community (sanghat) spread out across the world. I wasn’t expecting to meet my “siblings of destiny” as Guru Raj would call our classmates. Who knew this would happen?

The way I practice is not traditional in most senses: I don’t usually dress the part, I still don’t know how to tie a turban, I’m not Sikh, I regularly use crystals in my practice. (I’m a bit of a rebel!) Yet there still is a huge community accepting me.

And you know what?

It took me a while to accept that I was part of the community and this communities presence in my life. I resisted it and created separation.

And I still do in some areas of my life.

But this community, the Kundalini Community, where Self-Initiation is part of the path, where your guru is within you, and your radiance is as bright as you allow it to be. I’ve come around to fully accepting that this community exists, and as a yoga teacher, it is my foundation.

And I grow more and more in love with the people, the yoga, and the practice each day as I challenge myself. I am seeing more and more the effects of my daily practice, the clearing, the shifts of life, and the way my vibration effects people.

It’s beautiful. I’m really in love with this part of my life right now. As much as life changes and I change and both reflect each other, I am really in love with my practice. 🙂

I pray all Beings can find their practice to fall in love with ~ to create acceptance ~ to change ~ to elevate ~ to love ~ to Be In. ❤