Mystic Yogini Yoga Mats

Prepping to paint with the crystals.  Watch @Crystalmatchmaker on Instagram to see prep status on other mats.

Prepping to paint with the crystals. Watch @Crystalmatchmaker on Instagram to see prep status on other mats.

Mystic Yogini Yoga Mats are painted with crystals and sacred geometry.

Crystals are crushed into a fine powder, mixed with non-toxic acrylic paint and applied to the yoga mat. For cotton mats, crystals are mixed with a fabric paint and applied to the mat.

There are two types the artist uses to paint on: a 100% cotton yoga mat or a non-toxic eco-friendly rubber mat.

The Artistic Process

Mystic Yogini grew up obsessed with the mineral kingdom. Her family wasn’t expecting her to be so into rocks, nor were they expecting her interest to grow to a point of obsession. For the last three years Mystic Yogini had a daily yoga practice where most often she would grid her yoga mat with various crystals.

This not only let her become more in touch with the crystal kingdom but it also amplified and grounded her practice. It helped her exit the busy world around her and enter into a meditative state.

One day, after it became the norm to grid her mat, she was lying in savasana when the thought process struck her like a bolt of lightening: “Wouldn’t it be neat if I could paint on the yoga mat sacred geometry? Wouldn’t it be neat if I could paint crystals on the mat with sacred geometry? I wonder what would happen.”

She sat up mid-savasana and declared to herself, and the crystals around her, that she would paint with them on a yoga mat.

It became an obsession. Over the next few months she slowly collected the tools needed to make this happen, and succeeded.

It took her ten hours to crush and grind half a peanut butter jar of crystals together. It took six hours to paint her first mat, ten hours her second mat, and eight hours her third mat. After following a tutorial on the internet for her first beautiful mat the tutorial ruined (it now makes a beautiful wall hanging!) she developed her own painting process.

Each mats design is fully sketched out before painting begins, and each mat is painted at least twice to ensure brightness of colour, and steady lines. No finishing coats are used because the rubber mats absorb the paint to the point the only way a mats design can be changed is buy cutting the rubber off (mistakes have to be fixed fast!). The fabric paint on cotton mats don’t require a finishing coat.

What Kind of Crystal is in the Paint?

The standard crystal mix is made up of Selenite, Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz. These crystals were selected for their properties (and because they wanted to be used!).

Selenite was chosen for its intuitive developing and self-clearing properties. It is one of the few crystals that never needs to be cleansed and will automatically clean all the other crystals in the mix. For humans it is used to clear negative energy, help with dream work, connect you to your guides/Highest Self, and it can reduce/absorb pain

Clear Quartz was chosen because it gives clarity to mind, and amplifies whatever your intention is on the mat today. It will help you to connect with yourself in a deeper way, and amplify your meditation. They are often used for healing because they amplify the crystals they are mixed with and are a very potent stone for opening yourself to yourself.

Rose Quartz came into the mix because we all could use a little bit more love in our lives. Rose quartz works with the heart chakra, and is often recommended by aryuvedic doctors to be worn by those seeking more love in their life. It will draw loving people to you, and it will open you to receive love. It will be a guide on a path to more self love. This ads a softness to the mix where you can emotionally relax and be just what you are in the moment. Compassion is a noted quality rose quartz draws out of people.

Custom crystal mixes are available as well.

The Process of Ordering a Mat

Mystic Yogini Yoga Mats are painted to order as per request. After discussing the clients desires, including symbols and type of mat, a quote is sent to the client of how much a mat will be. Once half the payment is received, Mystic Yogini orders the appropriate mat, and begins painting immediately when it arrives. It takes up to three weeks for a mat to be ready.




Each mat is hand painted to order on a non-toxic environmentally friendly mat. Each mat takes six or more hours to paint, not including sketch or prep time, depending on the complexity of the design. It takes 1 to 2 hours per mat to crush crystals.

No two mats are ever alike, each one being an original mat, created for either the love of creation or based on a clients preferences.

All mat prices include the basic crystal mix. For a custom crystal mix please contact me to receive a price quote.

Eco-Friendly Mats: $550

PVC/Plastic Mats: $450

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